Insurance companies owe it to their policyholders to take any claims and property damage claims they file seriously. When an insurance claim is intentionally mishandled, and the claimant suffers for it, then it could constitute insurance bad faith. If you think your insurer has acted in bad faith after you filed a claim, then the Law Offices of John D. Ameen, P.A. in Fort Lauderdale would like to hear from you. Our bad faith attorneys are ready to use our extensive legal experience to stand up for you and get your claim moving again after bad faith tactics interrupted or denied it.
If you need to determine how you can obtain financial compensation for injuries caused by the negligence of others, then we encourage you to get in touch with our firm today.
Call 954-763-4950 now to arrange a free, confidential consultation.
Florida law considers it “bad faith” if an insurer fails to settle a claim when it “could and should have done so.” In other words, if the insurer had reasonable opportunities to find a way to settle a claim but did not for any reason, then it can count as bad faith, which is answerable with a lawsuit. However, the law’s definition is somewhat vague, so there is room for interpretation and argument. Prepare yourself for any challenges from the insurance company by working with our Fort Lauderdale insurance bad faith attorneys as soon as possible.
Once an insurance company offers a settlement agreement, it has the right to rescind the offer for any reason and at any time. It is not necessarily bad faith to rescind an offer because you took too long to accept it or because the insurer decided a different value is more accurate to your damages. It could be bad faith if the offer is rescinded and replaced with a lower value one without explanation or a fair assessment. For the most part, insurance companies will not quickly or immediately rescind a settlement offer. Doing so creates more work for everyone, so you should have some to get your attorney involved and allow them to determine if the offer is fair.
If you need to determine how you can obtain financial compensation for injuries caused by the negligence of others, then we encourage you to get in touch with our firm today.
Keeping in mind that an unfavorable insurance offer is not always bad faith, it can be a little tricky to know how and when to file a bad faith claim. When you work with our law firm, we can make it simple, though, by lending our experience and insight to your case. We will typically want to do the following when filing a bad faith claim:
Throughout the process, you can depend on our guidance and representation. If your case needs to go to court for litigation, we are capable of acting on your behalf, so you will never feel like you are on your own.
Insurance bad faith is deceptively damaging. A denied claim might seem like frustration, but the truth is that it could severely damage your finances and wellbeing while you wait for fair treatment from your insurer. Our Fort Lauderdale bad faith attorneys would be proud to fight for you and pursue fair compensation, which can include everything your insurer owes you for your original claim plus punitive damages for intentional business wrongdoing.