As a major delivery company, FedEx transports millions of packages on a daily basis, and the company’s drivers pick up and drop off items at numerous homes and businesses. With so many FedEx delivery drivers on the road, accidents with the company’s trucks are inevitable. These collisions can result in serious injuries for the people involved, and victims may be uncertain about their options for receiving compensation to address their damages. Understanding the types of insurance coverage that will apply and the other options for compensation that may be available can be difficult in these situations, but a personal injury attorney can provide guidance and legal representation to ensure that victims will be able to receive medical treatment, avoid financial problems, and move forward with their lives.
At The Law Offices of John D. Ameen, P.A., our lawyers understand the concerns that victims face as they respond to FedEx accidents, and we are prepared to represent their interests as they file insurance claims or pursue lawsuits. We know the measures that companies such as FedEx and their insurers often take to devalue these claims and minimize their liability, and we will fight to ensure that our clients are not treated unfairly. Our goal is to ensure that injury victims can receive the full compensation they deserve so that they can address their injuries and financial losses and avoid ongoing difficulties.
If you need to determine how you can obtain financial compensation for injuries caused by the negligence of others, then we encourage you to get in touch with our firm today.
With so many packages needing to be delivered every day, FedEx drivers are often required to work long shifts and meet high quotas. As they attempt to meet the requirements put in place by FedEx, they may take shortcuts or act unsafely. Some forms of negligence that can increase the likelihood of accidents include:
At The Law Offices of John D. Ameen, P.A., we can provide representation for people who have been injured in accidents involving FedEx delivery drivers. We will work to ensure that FedEx is held responsible for the actions of its employees. We can also assist with insurance claims, helping victims take the correct steps to make sure their injuries and damages will be fully addressed. Contact our firm at 954-763-4950 to set up a complimentary consultation. With offices in Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, Boca Raton, Coral Springs, and West Palm Beach, we can assist with FedEx accident cases throughout all of South Florida.